Clary Sage - How to use the Wise and Ancient Essential Oil

Clary Sage - How to use the Wise and Ancient Essential Oil

Clary Sage has been used by ancient cultures for various reasons all suggesting its balancing properties. If it isn't on your shelf, it needs to be! Indian Sages suggested its ability to bring illumination and the Romans thought it brought good health. Clary Sage has been used to promote clear skin and in supporting a calm and balanced emotional state. Its name is derived from the Latin word “claris” meaning “clear”, it was originally thought to smooth out and clear both physical and emotional rough spots.*

Clary Sage Essential Oil


Clary Sage, just like Lavender, has SO MANY great uses! This is just a small sampling of what you can use this Essential Oil for!

Stressed? Clary Sage is perfect to help you bring those emotions in check and calm those anxious feelings that come up during everyday life.

Can't Sleep? There is a reason it is in our Solace Resin Blend! Diffuse Clary Sage with Solace and apply it on your wrists and feet for an added sleeping help!

Irritated Skin? Clary Sage is wonderful for calming angry skin and soothing flare ups, for the best results combine with coconut carrier oil and Dragons Blood Resin and watch your skin sing your praises.

Do you have a favorite way to use this Essential Oil? Let us know so we can share it!



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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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